$5.00 sale
Most of the items below are made on the 2mm Basswood from China, it can be hung or stuck onto walls using double sided tape or Blue tack.

Item 5001 Make your own magic

Item 5003 Today Is a Good Day

Item 5004 I used to be married

Item 5005 Land of long white cloud

Item 5006 Gone Fishing

Item 5007 Normal Family

Item 5008 You will never regret

Item 5009 Horses head on 7mm Ply

Item 5012 My Kitchen Rules

Item 5011 Santa Stops here

Item 5013 Pug Engraving

Item 5014 Beagle Engraving

Item 5015 Alsatian Engraving

Item 5016 Chihuahua engraving

Item 5017 250mm Dia Butterflies
Can be colored in